user experience

Discover the feedback of Philippe, Product Owner

Philippe, shares with us his experience of the daily use of Weloop in the management of the IT Portal that he manages.

🎤 Discover the feedback of Philippe, Product Owner of the IT Portal in a French multinational specialized in tire equipment

Philippe, Product Owner at an international company renowned for its mobility and sustainable innovation solutions, shares with us his experience of the daily use of Weloop in the management of the IT Portal that he manages.

After 16 years of collaboration with this company, Philippe has now been an internal employee for 6 years and fully integrated into the Group. We regularly discuss with him the use of Weloop to respond to the initial problem that prompted him to adopt our solution: the need to communicate effectively with his 120,000 users around the world.

It is therefore quite natural that we are giving him the floor today so that he can tell you about his experience with Weloop.

First part: Personality interview

Let's start with a short Proust questionnaire to get to know you. The aim is to respond spontaneously to the points below in a few words or a maximum of one sentence.

Your first move in the morning when you arrive at the office

I am someone who likes to have my own routines, so plug in the computer, set up my tea mug. Take the time to get settled in.

In your working day, the most enjoyable task

I would say give support to users or to my colleagues. It's the most enjoyable part of the day for me.

And the most unpleasant task

There really aren't any

The quality you are looking for in others

I would say empathy

Your worst professional anxiety

That some of my decisions put other people in a complicated situation.

Your best professional memory

I was a contractor in the group that now employs me. I was a contractor for years. The day I got the positive response that I was hired was one of my best memories.

What did you do with your very first salary?

Do some repairs on the car I had at the time, a superb Citroën two-horse car.

What is your favorite hobby?

I have a hobby that takes up a lot of my time called geocaching. It is an outdoor hobby that consists of using the technique of satellite geopositioning to find or hide “caches” or “geocaches” in various places around the world. I've been doing this for about ten years

What is your main character trait?

I would say my openness and my listening to others

What country would you like to live in if you didn't live in France?

New Zealand, which I have never had the opportunity to discover until now

What would have been the other job that you would have liked to do?

I would have loved to do a job more related to nature. Afterwards, no specific job, but things more on the ground, more outside.

An inventor, a scientist, or someone known for illustrating a new banknote?

Paul Emile Victor, the iconic explorer, and founder of the French Polar Expeditions

What technology are you passionate about?

Computing in general. It has been a passion for 40 years now. After 40 years, I am still amazed at how much we manage to do every day.

What is your motto?

“Improvise, Adapt and Overcome!” (Clint Eastwood — Heartbreak Ridge)

“Improvising, Adapting, and Overcoming” (Clint Eastwood — The War Master)

“Weloop allows real communication with the entire user community and for large projects it is really very useful, so I will recommend it” (Philip)

Second part: Interview on the use of Weloop

The objective is to know more about your activity and your collaboration with Weloop, and to know your level of satisfaction both in the use of the tool and in the support we provide you. You can tell us anything, this time with no word limit 🙂

Can you describe the main lines of your business activity?

It is an international manufacturing group based in more than a hundred countries around the world, which has, for more than a century, been at the forefront of technological innovation, always with the vision of making the most innovative and sustainable products possible.

How long have you been working there?

After spending 16 years as a service provider, I have now been part of the group for 6 years.

What is the application you are working on for?

It is a tool for any user, any employee to find the answer to their IT needs. Whether it's requesting a PC, reporting an incident on an application, finding information about an application.

How long have you been working on this application?

It's been five years now.

What technology is used for this application? (Workday, PowerBI, Salesforce?)

It's ServiceNow's Service Portal technology.

What led you to use Weloop? What were your problems and goals?

My Product is used by approximately 120,000 potential users in the group around the world. And we have a real product approach to this application. So, who says real product approach, says that we need to understand the needs and feedback of our customers. When you have a thousand clearly identified users, it is still quite easy to contact them. When you have 120,000, Weloop is really a tool, in my opinion, that helps to have that gateway. If they have a suggestion to make about the Product and don't necessarily know who to contact or don't know how to send it, Weloop is a good way for them to do it and for me to hear them. We needed a top-down communication tool as part of the updates that we can make to inform users, but it is mainly an upward communication tool for us.

What are the notable results you've seen since using Weloop?

Small or big, there were evolutions to be implemented that make life easier for people and users, and that the developers and I, while working on the tool every day, did not necessarily think of. We were able to improve the application based on the real needs of the users to provide them with the application they were waiting for.

And also the fact of having this real contact. To be able to get in touch with my users when they have questions, feedback. It is also something that, for their part, is really very much appreciated. They realize that they have a bit of power to make the tool evolve and that is very valuable for them.

Have you experienced any constraints, challenges or obstacles when implementing Weloop on your application?

No, not really. It went quite well. My challenge is rather internal and not linked to the tool or to the support of the Weloop teams, it is to get the vast majority or even all of the users to adhere to the use of the widget. There is still work to be done on our side at this level, and I know that you are offering us solutions with the tools you are making available to us.

What do you like the most about the solution?

Overall, I like the back-end interface. It is very simple. It is both quite rich and quite simple.

What do you like the least? What improvements would you like to see?

I would say to make the widget a bit more visible when we push communication content and NPS surveys and thus increase the audience significantly.

[Editor's note: The pop-up functionality when publishing an NPS survey or communication content will be put into production as early as October 2024.]

What would you do if this solution were taken away from you?

I would be very annoyed [laughs] I would surely send forms to users to ask for their opinion or I would put an idea box on my portal, a suggestion button maybe. We would develop a solution internally but probably not with the functionalities of exchanges with the user that we can have with Weloop. It would be the equivalent of an email box. Surely we would do something simple, not as advanced.

And if you had to imagine our collaboration, what would it be?

The collaboration is good. There have been quite a few changes recently so you need time to get to know newcomers, like you Mélody in July 2024. But overall, it always went very well. I can attest that every time I raise a point, you are very responsive. The subject is taken into account very quickly, which is quite pleasant. And then, there is also the responsiveness of the technical teams, which is also quite good.

Number of stars to know your level of satisfaction (one star being the minimum rating, five stars the maximum):

I would say 4 out of 5 at this stage, so we can go to 5 when you release the next evolutions.

Would you recommend Weloop to your professional relationships?

Yes, mainly to project managers who have users all over the world to centralize feedback and who don't know everyone.


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