Maximize Time to Value: Accelerate the Integration of Internal Applications for Better Productivity


In an ever-changing professional landscape, speed is the key to success. Businesses are looking for ways to optimize their operations, increase productivity, and remain competitive in the marketplace. One of the crucial factors in achieving these goals is Time to Value (TTV) - the amount of time it takes for a user to derive tangible benefits from an application or service.

While TTV is often discussed in the BtoC context, it is of considerable importance for internal applications used by employees within companies. These applications, whether they are human resource management software, collaboration platforms, or customer relationship management (CRM) systems, must provide immediate value to ensure their adoption and continued use.

1- What is Time To Value

Time to Value (TTV) represents the time between when a user starts using an application and when they get measurable benefits from it. For internal applications, these benefits can take many forms, such as increased operational efficiency, simplified business processes, or reduced time spent on repetitive tasks.

2- What are the challenges of Time to Value for internal applications?

User adoption and engagement : A long TTV can discourage users and compromise application adoption. To maximize engagement, it is crucial to quickly provide useful and intuitive features that match the real needs of users.

Profitability and Return on Investment (ROI) : Each day spent without tangible benefits from the application represents a potential cost for the business. Reducing the TTV accelerates the return on investment and optimizes operational efficiency.

Competitiveness in the market : In a competitive environment, businesses need to be agile and responsive. Internal applications that offer a short TTV allow organizations to stay ahead of the curve by providing effective tools to their employees while maximizing return on investment.

3- What strategies to accelerate TTV?

Prior analysis and personalization : Understanding the unique needs of each department or team makes it possible to personalize the user experience from the start.

Conducting an in-depth analysis beforehand helps to identify essential functionalities and to highlight them. Personalization gives the advantage of welcoming and making employees want to use the application with which they already feel familiar (graphic chart, icon/logo, common usual vocabulary...).
Weloop, entirely designed to work as a white label, is customizable to integrate perfectly into the business application. And regardless of the language of the users, Weloop is translated into +70 languages so that everyone can work in the comfort of their native language.

Training and Support : To ensure rapid and effective adoption, it is essential to provide users with all the training tools they may need: tutorials, training sessions, FAQ, continuous support, online assistance...
We can't say it enough, regular communication gives the advantage of maintaining contact with users but also of keeping them informed of news, patches or even upcoming maintenance of the application.

The Weloop Questions module is the application's knowledge base to provide contextualized answers quickly to users, either via Weloop's iA or by an autonomous search without even having to leave the business application.

Fast iterations and continuous feedback : Adopting an agile approach to software development allows for rapid release of updates and improvements based on user feedback. This feedback promotes the maintenance and continuous evolution of the application in order to better meet the changing needs of the business.
By clicking on the Weloop widget, the user can send back their feedback without having to leave the application. In a few clicks, he shares screenshot, video, description... of the bug encountered or the desired improvement without worrying about the technical context to be filled in (page url, browser, system version, country...). Weloop takes care of retrieving this valuable information.

Measurement and optimization : In order to be able to identify potential bottlenecks, it is crucial to track key metrics related to app usage and TTV.

This valuable data makes it possible to make adjustments as quickly as possible in order to improve the user experience. As it is just as important to ask users for their opinion on the application, the new feature introduced, the fixes of the bugs reported...

Involving users in the evolution of their work tool is the best lever for adoption.
With Weloop it is possible to create satisfaction surveys, NPS/CSAT surveys to measure user satisfaction. The Analytics module also provides information on the use of the internal application to better understand its activity (page view, number of bounces, etc.).


Reducing the Time to Value of internal applications is an essential part of any organization's digital strategy. By providing immediate and measurable value, businesses can drive application adoption by employees, accelerate business processes, and improve overall efficiency. By adopting strategies such as pre-analysis, continuing education, and rapid iteration, businesses can maximize the potential of their internal applications and stay ahead of the competition.

Weloop is a User-Centric solution that allows users to report their feedback, to be informed about the life of the application, to give their opinion via a survey, to find information easily and quickly... and all this without having to leave their business application. Do you want to know more about Weloop? Contact us

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